Term 3 Week 9 Monday 5th September
Acknowledgement of Country
Our Prayer this Week
From the Principal
School Closure this Thursday
Insight SRC Survey
Father's Day Breakfast
Book Week Thanks
Awards this week
Footy Tipping Winners
School Wide Positive Behaviour
2023 Intentions
Key Dates for the Diary
Our Lady of Mercy Parish News
Netball Term 4 ‘Covid Cup’
Holiday Fun
Free opportunity
MRC Care Raffle
COVID Reminders
Acknowledgement of Country

St Colman’s acknowledges the Girai wurung people as the traditional owners of the land on which our school stands and we respectfully recognise elders both past and present.
Our Prayer this Week
A Prayer for Father's Day
Thank you, God, for all who show a father's love in our world.
Thank you for those who are special to us.
Be close to those who are sad today.
Help us know that you, our Father, are alwasy close.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
From the Principal
Dear Families,
I hope that all the Father's had a great day on Sunday. Thanks to everyone who was able to come along on Friday to help kick start the celebrations at school.
Thanks too to those people who were able to support Meals on Wheels last week. It is appreciated.
A reminder that there is no school this Thursday to support professional learning in the area of Religious Education.
Kind regards,
School Closure this Thursday
A reminder that there is no school THIS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH.
Teaching staff will be heading to Warrnambool with a large group of educators to participate in professional learning focusing on Religious Education and in pariticular, liturgy.
Insight SRC Survey
A number of families would have received a letter last week inviting them to participate in this survey. This survery helps us to gain a picture of our school and to make goals.
Ultimately, the information that is gained from these surveys will benefit the students of St Colman's. Please consider completing this survey before Friday.
Father's Day Breakfast
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the Father's Day Breakfast. The breakfast is a small way that we can say thank you to all those people who support the children of St Colman's.
It was particularly great to have so many people stick around to check out the classrooms and participate in some sport outside. We hope that you all enjoyed your Father's Day.

Book Week Thanks

The final figures are in for our annual Book Fair. A massive thank you to everyone who supported this event.
A percentage of the sales is returned to the school. This year $742 was contributed directly to the library budget, meaning more great books for our school. This is a big effort for a small school and very much appreciated.
We are also very thankful to those families who donated one of the nominated books.
Thank you to the following families/people for their generous donations:
- Wardlaw family
- Dale family
- Van den Heuval family
- Kerrie and Rob Jewell
- Dolling family
- Herry family
- Bassett family
- Cameron family
- Greig family
- Killen family
- Allen family
- Barr family
- Stacey Atkins
- Jane Lee
- Maddie Tegelhuter
Awards this week
Congratulations to Alex, Charlotte, Connor, Noah, Bella, Zoe, Dakota, Zoe, Steff and Scarlett who have been recognised for their achievements this week.

Footy Tipping Winners
Congratulations to a junior footy tipping winners.
First place- Arlo
Second place- Nat
Third place- Remy
Remy and Steff also managed to tip 9/9 in a round during the year.

School Wide Positive Behaviour
At St Colman's, we use the School Wide Positive Behaviour approach to teach appropriate behaviours.
This week we are focusing on Welcoming. At assembly on Friday the children identified that welcoming means including people, asking people to join in and saying hello and using people's names.
2023 Intentions
It's hard to believe, but planning for 2023 is underway. If your family has a new Prep to enrol or you know that your circumstances will be changing next year, please contact the school as soon as possible to let us know.
If your circumstances have not changed then no action is required.

Key Dates for the Diary
Term 3
2nd September- Father's Day Breakfast
8th September- School Closure: Liturgy (Religious Education)
9th September- Enrolments Close
12th September- MRC Discovery Day
16th September- Last day of term , 2.15pm finish
Our Lady of Mercy Parish News
Netball Term 4 ‘Covid Cup’
Holiday Fun
Free opportunity
MRC Care Raffle
COVID Reminders
A few reminders:
* Masks are highly encouraged but not mandated. They are required on the bus.
* Positive cases must isolate for 7 days and report these cases to school.
* Positive cases do not need to test again for 4 weeks.
* RATs are still available and are to be used when someone has Covid symptoms.
* Close contacts can attend school if they test negative on a RAT each school day. Close contacts must wear a mask indoors.
Rapid Antigen Tests.
The Victorian Government is continuing to provide Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) in Term 3 and again in Term 4 to schools. Household contacts are required to test negative using a rapid antigen test on at least 5 out of 7 if they are attending or working at a school onsite.
Schools will be able to provide these RATs to parents/carers, staff or students on request, as the previous settings that required weekly or daily testing of students and staff have ceased.
Staff and students are only required to test for COVID when symptomatic or if they are a close contact of a confirmed case. Individuals who have tested positive are not required to test for 4 weeks (note this has been 12 weeks during last term). If you require RATs please contact the school.
Face Masks.
We have been asked to remind staff, students and families that the current advice from the Victorian government is that it is recommended face masks are worn in indoor settings (except for close contacts, who must wear a mask indoors unless an exception applies). Everyone including students aged 8 years and above must wear a face mask when travelling on public transport, taxis or ride share vehicles.
COVID-19 reporting to the school community.
Principals must notify staff and the school community through a daily email (where applicable) when a student(s) or staff member(s) have returned a positive COVID-19 test result and had attended the school.
The following still apply:
Managing a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19
As soon as a staff member or student becomes aware of being a suspected case - that is symptomatic (fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of smell or taste):
- The suspected case is required to leave the school site, or be isolated on-site until they are able to leave.
- The suspected case is required to be tested with a rapid antigen test (if at home). A positive test result must be reported to the Department of Health.
- Positive cases must be isolated for 7 days.
- Positive cases can exit isolation after 7 days without testing.
Close Contacts
A close contact (a person who has spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID 19 inside a house, accommodation or care facility) is no longer required to isolate as long as they follow the additional safety measures:
- Notify the school if returning within the 7 day period.
- Undertake RAT testing on school days within the 7 day period (unless the 12 week exemption applies)
- Wear a mask indoors if an adult or a student Yr 3-6.
- Not visit hospitals or care facilities.
- Avoid contact with people at higher risk of infection.
- If symptomatic take a RAT or PCR test.