Term 1 Week 5 Monday 20th February 2023 -
Our Prayer this Week
From the Principal
Key dates for the Diary
Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival
St. Colman's Swimming Program
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
Term 1 Classroom Information
School Advisory Council
Care for our Chickens and Ducks
Annual School Nurse Visit
St Colman's Jacket found
Award Winners
Mercy Regional College Open Day
Noorat to Terang Fun Run
Registrations for Terang Junior Basketball
Terang and Mortlake Auskick
Out of School Care
St. Colman's School is a Child Safe Community
Our Lady of Mercy Parish Newsletter
Our Prayer this Week
Lenten Prayer for Ash Wednesday
God of goodness and mercy,
Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you. Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul, noticing the times I turn away from you. Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love. May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace. Transform me this Lent, heavenly Father. Give me the strength to commit myself to grow closer to you each day.
From the Principal
Dear Families,
This week marks two significant days in our Catholic liturgical calendar; Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. These days signify the beginning of the Lenten season. 40 days leading to Easter where we are encouraged to reflect, serve and pray. During Lent at St Colman’s our students will be given opportunities to think about what it is they can do to serve others. Traditionally, we think of Lent as a time of fasting, however, it is also a time to focus on the opportunities we have to support others in our lives. I encourage you during this time to talk to your child/ren about the opportunities they have to support those around them, “For it is in giving that we receive.” St. Francis of Assisi.
Read on to find out what else is happening in our school community and please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have.
Kind regards,
Key dates for the Diary
Term 1
Monday 20th February Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival
Tuesday 21st February Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday 22nd February Ash Wednesday service at 9am
Friday Feb 24th to March 2nd F-6 Swimming Program to be conducted at Mortlake Pool
Friday Feb 24th to March 17th Mrs O'Connor on Long Service Leave
Tuesday 28th February School Nurse visit
Thursday 2nd March Division Swimming
Friday 10th March Athletics Carnival in Terang
March 15th-March 27th NAPLAN Testing Period
Tuesday 21st March Parent Teacher Interviews
Monday 27th March Young Leaders Day, Melbourne
Tuesday 28th March School Photo Day
Wednesday 5th April Sacramental Meeting
Thursday 6th April Last day of Term 1
School Closure Dates 2023
Term 1: Monday 13th March Labor Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 14th March (Literacy)
Term 2: Monday 24th April (Compliance)
Thursday May 4th Warrnambool Cup Holiday
Term 3: Monday 14th August (Catholic Social Teaching)
Tuesday 22nd August (Literacy)
Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival
Today we held our Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival with our friendly rivals from St. Thomas' Terang.
It was perfect weather for it and it was fantastic to see so many of our school community there to help out and cheer on our children.
A special thank you to the AMAZING Brianna Barr and Anna Bourke for organising the day and to all staff and parents who helped out in any way.
All our children tried their very best, but we especially congratulate the Age Champions from our school.
Billy Carmody 12 yr old girls Champ
Imogen Barr 10 yr old girls Champ
Archie Dale 9 yr old boys Champ
My New Gallery

St. Colman's Swimming Program
After a small hiccup at the beginning of the year, we are finally ready to commence our swimming program. This year the program is being implemented by The Splash Factory and we will be fortunate to conduct 5 days of sessions with a minimum of three qualified swimming instructors each day.
The program will commence this Friday, February 24th and run for 5 connecutive days at the following times:
Juniors: 12:30-1pm
Middles: 1pm-1:30
Seniors: 1:30-2pm
As Wednesday is a Rest Day for our Foundation students, we will run two lessons.
Years 1-3: 12:30-1pm
Years 4-6: 1pm-1:30
You are more than welcome to come in and watch your child's lesson and if you'd like to help out with organising children at the end of each lesson that would be greatly appreciated (especially with our youngest students).
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
Shrove Tuesday, February 21st
On Shrove Tuesday we will be sharing pancakes together as school.
If your child has any allergies or intolerances to pancakes or their ingredients, please make contact with your child’s teacher or the school office as soon as possible.
Ash Wednesday Mass, February 22nd at 9am
Students will be attending the Parish Mass to celebrate Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.
Parents and extended family members, along with our Parishioners, are most welcome to attend. Mass commences at 9am therefore, students will need to be at school before 8:50am on Wednesday.
Term 1 Classroom Information
Read the attached document to find out what is going on in your child's classroom this term
School Advisory Council
We would like to introduce you to our SAC members for 2022-2023. Lily Convery-Oborne (Chair), Jo Wallis, Alison Greig, Michelle Lehmann, Jo Dolling, Zion Palmer, Sophie and Nick Allen, Rachel Baulch, Rosie O’Connor (School rep) and Janet Cain (Principal)
These people are the voice of the parents in the school. If you have any questions or anything that you would like raised please contact one of these people.
The SAC meets twice a term and we thank these people for agreeing to be a part of this group that provides an essential link between the school and its families.
Tam Camplin has had to step off the SAC due to other commitments and we thank her for her time on the Council. This vacancy has been filled by Michelle Lehmann and we welcome her and look forward to her contributions on our SAC.

Each week we will profile a member of our SAC and this week we will profile your school's principal, Janet Cain.
As I am new to your school community I can not speak highly enough about the importance of the School Advisory Council at our school. The School Advisory Councils provide a place for discussion and information sharing, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by myself for the good of school. The SAC provides a vital link between community and families and school and I will rely strongly upon this motivated and positive group of parents to guide me and ensure that we are remaining true to our vision and mission.
Care for our Chickens and Ducks
In the past we have been very grateful to the families who volunteered to take care of our chickens and ducks over the weekend. We're in search of some families to continue with this job this year. Our Senior students will be rostered on during the week, so we just need someone to check on them, check their feed and water supplies and collect their eggs on Saturday and Sunday
If you are able to volunteer for a weekend please contact Janet principal@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au.
I will create a roster and share it with you. The more families we can get the better!!
Annual School Nurse Visit
The School Nurse will be visiting our school on Tuesday 28th of February. This free service is offered to all Foundation students in their first year of school and involves screening tests on hearing and vision and addresses any other concerns that the family and school have expressed.
Parents and carers are asked to fill out the form sent home with thier child and return it to school by Monday February 20th.
St Colman's Jacket found

One of our students took two jackets home at the end of last year.
If your child is missing a size 6-8 jacket, please contact the school office.
Award Winners
Each week during our Friday assemblies, teaching staff award students who have achieved great things in the past week. This year we are inviting all parents and friends to attend these weekly assemblies which take place at approximately 2:45pm each Friday in the Undercover Area.

Mercy Regional College Open Day
Noorat to Terang Fun Run
The Noorat to Terang Fun Run will be held this Friday night.
Please register online using the following link or scan the QR code.

Registrations for Terang Junior Basketball

Click on this link to register
Terang Olympic Basketball Association
Terang and Mortlake Auskick

Out of School Care
A reminder that during 2023 we have access to Out of School Care, supplied by TheirCare, at Mortlake College. Registration is made via the TheirCare website. https://theircare.com.au/
Many of our students have already begun to use this program and the feedback from both parents and children has been overwhelmingly positive. Everything has run seamlessly so far, so if you are considering sending your children to Before or After Shool Care, you can be assured that this program is extremely easy to utilise.
Feel free to contact the office if you have any questions about accessing TheirCare or use the contact details at the bottom of the flyer to contact them directly.

St. Colman's School is a Child Safe Community
Child Safe Standard 2
Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.
In complying with Child Safe Standard 2 St. Colman's must, at a minimum, ensure:
2.1 The organisation makes a public commitment to child safety.
2.2 A child safe culture is championed and modelled at all levels of the organisation from the top down and bottom up.
2.3 Governance arrangements facilitate implementation of the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy at all levels.
2.4 A Code of Conduct provides guidelines for staff and volunteers on expected behavioural standards and responsibilities.
2.5 Risk management strategies focus on preventing, identifying and mitigating risks to children and young people.
2.6 Staff and volunteers understand their obligations on information sharing and record keeping.
Child Safety Officers

Janet Cain and Rosie O'Connor are our Chuild Safety Officers.
Contact them on:
Phone: 55992285 or 0490539167
Email: jcain@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au or roconnor@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au
Please read the attached information sheet for parents regarding NCCD.
Our Lady of Mercy Parish Newsletter
Ash Wednesday (this week, 22nd February) Mass times
Mortlake 9.00am
Terang 12.00pm