Term 4 Week 8 Monday 20th November 2023
A Prayer for Guidance
From the Principal
Key dates for the Diary
Instrumental Students' Performance
8:30 am start of day reminder
Term 4 Sun Smart Policy
2024 Transition begins
Wonders Recycling Rewards
Uniform Policy
2024 Start of Year Arrangements
Staffing Announcement
School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)
School Fees Reminder
Playgroup at St Colman's
Lunch Orders
St. Colman's Enrolments
Birthday Wishes
School Advisory Council
School Advisory Council (SAC) Vacancy
Our Lady of Mercy Parish Newsletter
St. Colman's School is a Child Safe Community
Out of School Care
AngliCare Energy Assistance
MRC Car Raffle is back for 2023!
MRC 50th Jubilee Celebrations
Cricket Blast
Cricket Blast
Covid Information
A Prayer for Guidance
Dear God,
Everywhere I walk, let it be on your path.
Everything I see, let it be through your eyes.
Everything I do, let it be your will.
For every hardship I face, let me place it in your hands.
Every emotion I feel, let it be your Spirit moving in me.
Everything I seek, let me find it in your love.
In Jesus’ name, I offer myself to you.
From the Principal
Dear St Colman's community,
Welcome to Week 8 and it looks like being a very busy week!!
Our Year 5 and 6 students, along with Anna Bourke, Olivia Glossop and myself, will head off to Melbourne on Wednesday for their annual 2-night camp. On Friday we will welcome back our 2024 Foundation students for their second transition session in the Junior Room.
Next Sunday November 26th, our sacramental candidates will complete the process of initiation into the Christian community when they receive Eucharist for the first time during the Sacrament of First Eucharist (Holy Communion). As a school community, you are all invited to join them for Mass at 9am. We congratulate them and hope they have a lovely day on Sunday making wonderful memories with family, friends and the St Colman's Parish community.
Read on to find out what else is happening in our school community. It is always a good idea to familiarise yourself with the key dates section of the newsletter. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have.
Have a great week.
Kind regards,
Key dates for the Diary
Term 4
November 22-24 - Year 5/6 Camp to Melbourne
Friday November 24th - Kinder Transition Day 2
Sunday November 26th- Sacrament of Eucharist
Tuesday November 28th- Instrumental Students' Performance @ 5:15
Thursday November 30th- SAC AGM at Macs Hotel, 6pm
Friday December 1st - Kinder Transition Day 3
Friday December 8th - Kinder Transition Day 4
Tuesday December 12th- Whole school "Move up Day"
- End of Year Mass and family BBQ @ 5:30pm
Wednesday December 13th- Abberlea visit and carols
Friday Decemebr 15th- Last day for students (normal finish time)
Monday December 18th- Last day for staff
School Camps and Excursions 2023
Year 5/6 Camp to Melbourne November 22-24
Instrumental Students' Performance

Next Tuesday, November 28th at 5:15pm, our students who are part of the weekly instrumental music classes taught by Melanie Pocknall will showcase their talents during an Instrumental Performance.
All parents and other interested community members are invited to attend. It will be held in the Art/Music Room here at school.
8:30 am start of day reminder
Just a friendly reminder that students should not be arriving at school before 8:30.
Supervison duties do not begin before this time, so if you drop your child off before 8:30, please be aware that they are not being supervised.
Term 4 Sun Smart Policy

Children are required to wear their St Colman's school hat for all outdoor activities during Term 4. The first week was a 'grace period', but now we have implemented our No Hat No Outdoor Play policy.
Please take the time to find your child's hat and check that it is in clean and presentable condition.
2024 Transition begins
Last Friday we welcomed our 2024 Foundation students for the first of 4 weekly visits to our school. Harvey, Knox and Miles enjoyed a lovely morning learning the routines of school and familiarising themselves with the school and their future classmates.

Wonders Recycling Rewards
Thank you to everyone who brought in empty bread bags during our Wonder Recycling Rewards campaign. We recently received the sports equipment that we purchased with our rewards.
Below are our school leaders, Spencer, Billie and Noah, with some of our new balls.

Uniform Policy
The school uniform and how we wear it is a reflection on our School. Children should wear their uniform with pride and a sense of belonging to the St Colman’s School community. It is an expectation that all children will be in the correct school uniform, including crew length navy blue socks.
We have had recurrent issues of students being out of uniform, and frequent reminders do not appear to be influencing the choices made by these students.
Therefore, we have decided that we will send daily Uniform Reminder notifications to parents if their child is out of uniform and no explanation has been provided by the parents.
2024 Start of Year Arrangements
Advance notice about starting dates for the 2024 school year.
Monday 29th January: Staff return to school
Tuesday 30th January: Staff attend Structured Literacy Professional Learning (Pupil free day)
Wednesday 31st January: All students (including our Foundations) commence 2024 school year.
Staffing Announcement
We are happy to announce the appointment of Piper Jarvie as our trainee Learning Support Officer (LSO) for the 2024 school year. Piper is a local girl and has just completed Year 12 at Mortlake College. Piper is passionate about working with children and hopes the traineeship will prepare her for a career in education.
We look forward to working with Piper in 2024 and know that she will be an excellent addition to our school community.
School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)
At St Colman's we want everyone in our community to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe. Our school wants us to develop these values so that they become a part of how we live our life at school each day. This will lead to a safer, kinder and more considerate school community and will help everyone to be able to learn and grow to their full potential.
As a Catholic School, the example of Jesus is at the heart of all that we do. This is how Jesus lived his life and we encourage everyone to be the best versions of themselves each day and contribute to our school in a positive way.
Our school has developed a School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix which outlines our core values of Welcome, Learn and Care and how they can be transferred into respectful, responsible & safe behaviours that we would like to see everyone doing.
Currently we are having a few focusses or what we call blitzes from our Matrix to ensure students are following those expected behaviours. These blitzes are focussing on the core value of WELCOME:
Wk 1-3: We welcome all visitors to our school
Wk 4-6: We treat all teachers and visitors with RESPECT
Wk 7-9: We use a respectful tone to all staff, students and visitors
When staff see these behaviours being demonstrated children will be acknowledged and receive Double Dojo points.
School Fees Reminder
Just a reminder that we are now three quarters of the way through the year!! Our governing body is looking at our fee collection and will be asking questions about any fees that haven't either been paid, have a payment plan or signed paperwork, very soon. It is a requirement by DOBCEL that all school fees are paid by the end of the year. If you haven't set up a payment plan yet or signed paperwork stating how you intend to pay, please contact the office ASAP.
If you need any assistance or have any questions please contact Janet or Jane (Monday or Thursdays 9-3), or send an email to admin@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au
Playgroup at St Colman's
Our fortnightly Playgroup has finished for this year. We look forward to welcoming back our local pre-schoolers every second Friday in 2024.
The ongoing commitment to this project will require support from other members of the school community. If you are willing to help out by going on a roster to help organise Little Colman’s, please contact either the school or Lily.

Lunch Orders

LUNCH ORDERS are only available twice a week on Monday and Friday.
Menu and price list below
St. Colman's Enrolments
Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to any members of our school community who are celebrating a birthday this week.
Many blessings to you on your special day and throughout the year.
School Advisory Council
We would like to introduce you to our SAC members for 2022-2023. Lily Convery-Oborne (Chair), Jo Wallis, Alison Greig, Michelle Lehmann, Jo Dolling, Zion Palmer, Sophie and Nick Allen, Rachel Baulch, Rosie O’Connor (School rep), Janet Cain (Principal) and Fr. Gary Jones (Parish Rep)
These people are the voice of the parish and parents in the school. If you have any questions or anything that you would like raised please contact one of these people.
At our last SAC meeting our current Chair, Lily Convery-Oborne, advised us that her term was up and we would need to replace her. At our AGM which will take place on Thursday November 30th we will be filling the vacancy of Lily. If you are intersted in joining this vital part of our school community please see the information below. We are grateful for Lily's dedication and service on the SAC and for her level headed contributions to all discussions held and decisions made.
The SAC meets twice a term and we thank these people for agreeing to be a part of this group that provides an essential link between the school and its families.
Term 4 Meeting Dates:
Thursday 30th November AGM Dinner Meeting @6pm (Macs Hotel)
School Advisory Council (SAC) Vacancy
We are now inviting parents within our community to be nominated to fill the vacancy on our SAC. The successful nominee will commence their tenure at our next AGM, Thursday November 30th.
If you are interested in becoming part of a vital forum for parent and community voice, please complete the nomination form below, or pop into our school office to collect a nomination form.
Below is an explanation of the role which is taken from our school’s SAC guidelines;
Role of School Advisory Council (SAC)
School Advisory Councils provide a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal for the good of the school. It is important that School Advisory Council members understand that their primary role is to provide support and advice on important school matters to support the principal in the context of the DOBCEL governance arrangements.
School Advisory Councils do not have a legal identity and do not become involved in the day-to-day management of the school. The School Advisory Council must act within the parameters of these Terms of Reference.
The following are some ways School Advisory Councils support the school and the principal:
• supporting the enactment of the DOBCEL Strategic Intent and Directions • articulating and enacting the school's vision and mission
• endorsing the school's Catholic ethos and culture
• provide input into and support for the school improvement/strategic plan development and delivery
• actively supporting and promoting child safety practices within the school, including the National Safeguarding Principles for Child Safe Organisations and Ministerial Order 1359
• supporting the processes of school improvement and school review
• supporting the principal in meeting responsibilities and accountabilities for educational outcomes, effective stewardship of resources, master planning and annual reporting
• supporting the principal in the encouragement of family engagement
• supporting the ongoing sustainability of the School Advisory Council and its membership in its succession and learning
• enriching faith formation and development
• implementing school policies as required
While a vital forum for parent and community voice, the School Advisory Council is not a forum for individual parent advocacy or special interest representation and does not become involved in the day-today management of the school.
SAC Members are required to:
- ensure they understand and can articulate the school’s vision and mission
- be an ambassador for the school through promoting the school and encouraging the school community to engage in student learning
- make decisions that always have the welfare of the students as their primary basis and are in keeping with the school’s vision and mission
- be truly representative of what is best for the whole school community
- respect the function and responsibilities of the principal and staff of the schoolgive the necessary time, thought and attention to the work of the SAC
- respect matters of confidentiality and the recommendations of the SAC
- work with fellow SAC members in a spirit of harmony, cooperation and honestysupport the decisions of the SAC regardless of personal opiniononly act on behalf of the SAC when specifically authorised to do so by the SAC
- refer to the appropriate person any issues or concerns that are not the concern of the SAC
- provide a current Working With Children’s Check to the principal
- attend at least 4 SAC meetings (unless exceptional circumstances).
2023 Nomination Form
I nominate _____________________________ as a Parent Representative for 2 years on St Colman's School Advisory Council.
Signature of Nominator: _______________________
Dated: ___________
Signature of Nominee: _______________________
Dated: ___________
CLOSING DATE: Friday 24th NOVEMBER 2023.
Please return completed form to the office
Our Lady of Mercy Parish Newsletter
St. Colman's School is a Child Safe Community
Child Safety Officers

Janet Cain and Rosie O'Connor are our Child Safety Officers.
Contact them on:
Phone: 55992285 or 0490539167
Email: jcain@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au or roconnor@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au
Child Safe Standards (eleven in total) came into effect in July 2022 and are a vital part of what we do here at St Colman’s. But what do these standards look like in practice? Each week, we will look at a standard in closer detail.
Standard 9 - Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
At St Colman’s we can see this standard in action in a variety of ways. At the beginning of each year, as part of our Learning to Learn curriculum, the children talk about and record their ‘Five Trusted Adults’. These are adults that they feel they can speak to if they are worried about something and may include teachers, extended family members, older siblings, as well as parents. Our 3-6 students also have a yearly ICT safe usage policy that they discuss, take home to their families and sign. This is particularly pertinent in this area as it is when the use of Chromebooks is introduced. Next year, our students will take part in eSafety lessons. These are presented by the eSafety Commissioner and focus on different topics that help to keep children safe while online. We are in the process of developing child safety slides, in all classrooms and learning areas. These slides outline, in child friendly language, what child safety looks like at St Colman’s.
More information about these standards can be found by clicking on the link below.
Out of School Care

A reminder that during 2023 we have access to Out of School Care, supplied by TheirCare, at Mortlake College. Registration is made via the TheirCare website. https://theircare.com.au/
Search for Mortlake College P-12


Terang Swimming Club are delighted to offer three incredible out of school swimming programs for our youth this swimming season. All of these classes will be run on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at the Terang Swimming Pool.
1. Squad swimming- this is a class run by qualified swim coaches for competent swimmers to enhance their swimming abilities, fitness and endurance (Swimmers should be able to comfortably swim laps of the big pool)
2. Stroke correction- this class is run by qualified swim coaches for intermediate swimmers to aid in correcting their swimming and stroke skills. (swimmers should be able to swim 1 lap of the big pool)
3. Learn to swim- this class is run by qualified swim coaches for beginner swimmers. It is aimed to build water safety and awareness and confidence for our younger swimmers. (swimmers should be able to stand in our middle size pool and be comfortable to put their hair in the water) this class will be run with smaller numbers to allow our coaches the ability to spend more time with the less confident children.
AngliCare Energy Assistance
As part of Anglicare Victoria’s FREE Energy Assistance Program, they provide assistance with energy bills to support Victorians to:
- Talk to their energy retailer and get help with debt
- Access extra financial support
- Check they are receiving eligible concessions on their bill
- Find and move to an affordable energy plan
- Understand bills and fix any possible errors
- Support your child's education with free internet at home
They can provide immediate assistance for clients who are struggling to pay for their gas or electricity bills to prevent disconnection to their property!
The follower two flyers provide further details.
MRC Car Raffle is back for 2023!

1st Prize is a Mazda CX-3 Maxx Sport (demo) and 9 more fantastic prizes!
Tickets are $10 each (6 for $50, 13 for $100) and are available online from https://shop.mercy.vic.edu.au/
Paper raffle tickets are also at many local shops and events.
MRC 50th Jubilee Celebrations

Mercy Regional College is celebrating 50 years of Catholic education in our community. If you are a past student you may wish to attend one of the events they have planned.
Jubilee Day
We would love our past students, families and staff to join us in this celebration on Saturday 25 November from 11:30 to 3:30 in Camperdown. School tours, roll calls and displays for each decade, food trucks and music, tree planting, free family portraits, afternoon tea and more. This event is free.
Jubilee Dinner
On Saturday evening (25 November) we will gather for dinner and the presentation of the inaugural Spirit of Mercy Awards, and the Annual Car Raffle. Then you are invited to kick up your heels to the lively music of The People’s Poets.
Click on the link below for more information and to secure your spot!
Cricket Blast
Cricket Blast

Please read the attached information sheet for parents regarding NCCD.
Covid Information
As we have had quite a few reported cases of Covid 19 within our community, it is timely to remind ourselves of COVID Safe arrangements. We will be encouraging greater vigilance with our hand washing procedures at school.
Although there are no mandated isolation arrangements, the following is strongly recommended:
It is strongly recommended that students:
● Who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for five days.
● Should not attend school after five days if still symptomatic.
● Who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school.
Where students become symptomatic at school, they should:
● Be collected by their parents/carers.
● Undergo testing for COVID-19.
It is strongly recommended that staff:
● Who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for five days.
● Should not attend school after five days if still symptomatic.
● Who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school.
If families require RAT kits, please contact the school office.
COVID-19 reporting requirements.
The Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 should inform those with whom they have recently been in contact, including their workplace, school and household.
Schools no longer have to alert their school community of positive cases, however we will continue to do this informally.
Face masks.
Staff and students who wish to wear a face mask should be supported to do so, and schools should continue to make face masks available for staff, students and visitors.
The Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home.
Additionally, the department recommends that masks should be worn by a person who has COVID-19 for 10 days after a positive test when they need to leave home.