Term 3 Week 10 Monday 14th September
Our Prayer This Week

From the principal

The finish line is in sight. We are beginning the final week of a term like no other. The enormous learning of the adults involved in facilitating remote learning has been amazing to witness. Our parents have adapted remarkably to the demands of providing for their children's education at home and our teachers have worked tirelessly to support this from school and their own homes. The cooperation and support shown has provided opportunities for learning that would not have been available otherwise. My sincere thanks for this combined effort and congratulations on what has been achieved so far.
Remote Learning

The Victorian Government has decided to continue remote learning for all of this term so classes will run as they are up until Friday 18th of September. We are finding a broad range of student engagement levels at the moment, from those who are very reluctant to engage to those still hungry for learning. For the final week we will provide simplified activities and parents can decide to what level their children participate. Friday's video call will be a farewell for the holidays and a quick explanation of some of the final day activities. The children at school will finish at 2:15pm as we would any other last day of term. We will deliver work to children on that Friday afternoon for Week 1 of Term 4. Please enjoy the break from learning and we will only have the one week of remote learning when we return. All students will recommence school onsite on Monday 12th of October.
InsightSRC Survey

2021 will be a review year for St Colman's Primary School. This is an opportunity to look at all aspects of our school and then to celebrate the great achievements and recognise and plan for the challenges that are identified. The data collected to do this is through a survey that allows parents to express their views on the school. It is vital that every family contribute to this to give us accurate data to work with. You will have received a survey link via email today and I am asking you to take the time to fill this out. I recognise that school is very different at the moment but I believe the questions are still relevent to normal schooling and remote learning. Please notify the school when you have completed this task. Thank you.
Netfit Session
Well done to all the children who participated in the Netfit session run by Sarah Wall on Wednesday. It was a great chance for a workout and to see students from St Pat's and St Thomas' on the screen. The Netfit app is free to download at the moment and it has many recorded fitness sessions for the children and parents to try.

Cyber Safety

We have received notification of an increase in the number of concerning social media and online materials that are unsafe and harmful to children. This would be a good opportunity to remind parents of the need for constant supervision when children are online. We are leaving devices with families over the school holidays but with no work expected during this time, we hope these will be stored safely at home until they are needed once again next term for our final week of remote learning. The link below is a resource for parents with practical measures that can be taken to ensure their children are safe in this space.