Term 2 Week 4 Monday 6th May
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
Important Dates:
Our Lady of Mercy Parish News
Online Platforms to Support Learning
Division Athletics
GRIP Student Leadership Conference
Our School Garden
Meals On Wheels
District Cross Country
Mother's Day Breakfast
School Advisory Council (SAC)
Playgroup at St Colman's
School Counselling at St Colman's
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
SchoolTV Wellbeing Platform
Birthday Wishes
St. Colman's School is a Child Safe Community
Mortlake Library News
Toastie Tuesday
Lunch Orders
Out of School Care
AngliCare Energy Assistance
Acknowledgement of Country
St Colman’s acknowledges the Girai wurung people as the traditional owners of the land on which our school stands and we respectfully recognise elders both past and present.

From the Principal
Dear St Colman's community,
Last week was Catholic Education Week where we celebrated the essence of what makes our schools wonderful communities to be a part of. This week will culminate today, when our students join with their peers from the Hampden Catholic Schools Network, to have a fun day of learning and making new friends.
Last Friday night I was honoured to be invited to the Catholic Education Week Awards dinner in Ballarat. I received, alongside thirty other people an award for Thirty Years of Service to Catholic Education. This was a great honour and a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the career that has been an enormous part of my life. I so grateful to the Diocese of Ballarat for entrusting me with the profound responsibility and opportunity to nurture the minds and spirits of our students. Knowing that I may have positively impacted the lives of many students, has been a deeply rewarding aspect of my career, and these children have been the reason why, I can genuinely say, I have loved going to work every day for the past thirty years.
Read on to find out what else is happening in our school community. It is always a good idea to familiarise yourself with the key dates section of the newsletter. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have.
Have a wonderful week.
Kind regards,
Important Dates:
Term 2 2024
Monday 6th May- Friday 10th May- Meals on Wheels week
Monday 6th May- HSCN Network Day
Wednesday 8th May- Mother's Day Breakfast from 7:30am
Friday 10th May- District Cross Country @ Noorat
Monday 13th May- Jane returns for leave
Friday 17th May-Division Cross Country
Sunday 19th May- St Colman's Parish Confirmation
2024 School Camps (with St Thomas’ Terang)
Sept 2nd-3rd: Year 3/4 Warra Gnan Coastal Camp, Warrnambool
Nov 13th-15th: Year 5/6 Dunkeld Adventure Camp
School Closure Days for 2024
Term 2: Friday 26th April- Wellbeing
Thursday 2nd May- Warrnambool Cup Public Hioliday
Term 3: Monday 15th July- Religious Education; Re-contextualising the Scriptures.
Tuesday 16th July- Structured Literacy
Catholic Identity
Heavenly Father, I lift up to you today my mother and all mothers.
Bless them with strength to continue to care for their children, with the same bold, selflessness Mary showed Jesus. Help my mother and all mothers feel our gratitude and truly know their impact. May we honor them today and on all days as vessels of Your love.
In Your name I pray. Amen.

Our Lady of Mercy Parish News
Saturday 6.00 pm
Sunday 10.30 am
Sunday 9.00 am
150th Anniversary of the Diocese of Ballarat – Formation
In preparation for the Diocesan Assembly in November 2024, there will be formation sessions held around the diocese with a focus on leadership and governance. In 2023, Bishop Paul asked parishes to focus on leadership in their local communities, either by forming or developing further a parish council or leadership team according to local circumstances. The Diocesan Assembly will bring together representatives of the leadership teams in parishes, schools and Catholic organisations to consider how we might develop leadership and governance in our communities in the future. The formation opportunity is for Parish Leadership Team/Parish Councils/Parish Teams, School Leadership Teams/School Advisory Councils, Catholic Organisations Leaders. An invitation is also extended to people who have leadership potential and who would like to participate. Leadership teams are invited to nominate others who might benefit from this experience. Fr Justin Driscoll will facilitate the formation sessions. Further details on the format will follow.
If you wish involved in this the dates are: Swan Hill - June 12; Robinvale - June 13; Horsham - July 28; Colac – July 30; Warrnambool - August 25; Ballarat - October 20.
Learning and Teaching
Online Platforms to Support Learning
We have had several inquiries from parents regarding Apps or computer programs that they could be using to support their child's learning at home. Below is a recommended list from our Teaching and Learning Leader, Shandell Moloney.
Division Athletics
Congratulations to Imogen, Phoebe and Alex who represented St Colman's at the Division Athletics Carnival in Warrnambool last Friday. Imogen competed in three events; long jump, hurdles and sprints and Alex and Phoebe competed in a relay team with two other students from St Thomas'. The relay team came third and will now progress to the next level, which are the Regional Athletics.
Well done to all three girls. You have done us proud!

GRIP Student Leadership Conference

Last Monday, our six Year 6 student leaders; Mason, Ivy, Alex, Phoebe, Cooper and Will along with Anna and Mrs Cain, attended the GRIP Student Leadership Conference in Geelong. All six students represented themselves and our school beautifully. They participated fully throughout the day, ensuring they got the most out of the experience.

Community Engagement
Our School Garden
With our volunteer gardener, Maree, recovering from surgery, we are looking for some parents who may like to volunteer some time to work alongside enthusiastic students in nurturing our garden.
We are hoping to start a Garden Club, where children will volunteer to work with parents a couple of times a month in the garden. If we can get a few parents to volunteer, you would only need to commit to a couple of visits each term. If you are an avid gardener and would like to support our Garden Club please let us know.
Meals On Wheels
We are still looking for someone to assist us with Meals on Wheels this Friday from 11:40-12:40pm.
If you are able to help out, please contact the school. A huge thank you to those who have already volunteered to cover the other four days.
District Cross Country

We wish the following children the very best of luck as they represent St Colman's at the District Cross Country in Noorat this Friday.
12/13 year old- Will, Mason, Cooper, Phoebe and Alex
11 year old- Dom, Steff and Imogen
10 year old- Gus, Archie and Hayley
9 year old- Eloise
More information will be sent home to families today and permission will need to be granted via the PAM app.
Mother's Day Breakfast
We look for to welcoming all of our mothers and others into our school this Wednesday morning starting at 7:30 as we honour all of these special people with a delicious breakfast. A lucky door prize is also up for grabs.

School Advisory Council (SAC)
We would like to introduce you to our SAC members for 2024.
Jo Wallis (Chair), Alison Greig, Michelle Lehmann, Zion Palmer, Sophie Allen, Rachel Baulch, Danielle Kenny, Rosie O’Connor (School rep), Janet Cain (Principal) and Fr. Gary Jones (Parish Rep)
These people are the voice of the parish and parents in the school. If you have any questions or anything that you would like raised please contact one of these people.
The SAC meets twice a term and we thank these people for agreeing to be a part of this group that provides an essential link between the school and its families.
This year we will hold our meetings Wednesday of week 3 and week 8 each term starting at 6:30pm.
The dates are;
Term 2: June 5th
Term 3: July 31st and Sept 4th
Term 4: October 23rd and Nov 27th (AGM)
Playgroup at St Colman's
We look forward to welcoming back our local pre-schoolers every second Friday, with our next session being held next week, Friday May 17th.
The ongoing commitment to this project will require support from other members of the school community. If you are willing to help out by going on a roster to help organise Little Colman’s, please contact either the school or Lily.

Our Award Winners

School Counselling at St Colman's

We welcome into our school community Rachael Main, who joins us our School Counsellor. Rachael will be working with our students each Monday.
Student counselling helps children and teenagers to better manage social and emotional issues, supports improved mental health, and reduces the likelihood of them engaging in risk taking behaviour.
School counselling is private communication between a counsellor and a student. Speaking to a counsellor allows students to discuss their social and emotional issues in a safe, non-judgemental and non-threatening environment.
Our School Counsellors can support students to:
- develop strategies for dealing with issues of concern
- find ways of managing and reducing stress and anxiety
- deal with issues that may be getting in the way of their educational participation, or that are impacting on their friendships and other relationships
- address issues resulting in depression, eating disorders, behavioural problems or poor sleep
Having a student counsellor in your school can also help your school community better respond to sometimes challenging issues such as self-harm, bullying, depression, anxiety and risky behaviours.
If your child was previously accessing the services of our school counsellor, Grace, they will continue with Rachael. If you think your child would benefit from this service, please speak to your child's teacher.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support is: A multi-tiered framework for establishing the social culture and behavioural supports needed for a school to achieve behavioural and academic outcomes for all students. For the next two weeks at St Colman’s we are working with our students on developing effective learning habits that will set them up for success throughout the year ahead. During that time, all staff will be reinforcing the behaviour expectations as set out in our Behavior Matrix (below).
SchoolTV Wellbeing Platform

SPECIAL REPORT: Celebrating Mother’s Day
Mothers sometimes need reminding to also take care of themselves, especially when it comes to mental health. A mother who experiences good mental health, is more available to her children and family, more alert to their needs, and more able to engage in everyday activities.
Click on the link below to learn more about how you can be supported in your multi-faceted role as "MUM".
Birthday Wishes

No student birthdays this week.
St. Colman's School is a Child Safe Community
Child Safety Officers

Janet Cain and Rosie O'Connor are our Child Safety Officers.
Contact them on:
Phone: 55992285 or 0490539167
Email: jcain@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au or roconnor@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au
The Child Safe Standards
The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools to ensure they are well prepared to keep children and young people safe and protect them from abuse. provides the framework for child safety in schools.
Child Safe Standard 6: People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
In complying with Child Safe Standard 6 St Colman's must, at a minimum, ensure:
6.1 Recruitment, including advertising, referee checks and staff and volunteer pre-employment screening, emphasise child safety and wellbeing.
6.2 Relevant staff and volunteers have current working with children checks or equivalent background checks.
6.3 All staff and volunteers receive an appropriate induction and are aware of their responsibilities to children and young people, including record keeping, information sharing and reporting obligations.
6.4 Ongoing supervision and people management is focused on child safety and wellbeing.
How are we implementing this at St Colman's (SCM)?
- Recruitment Policy has been communicated to the SAC and is available on the school website/SIMON portal for staff.
- Passtab maintains a direct link for WWCC’s. VIT registration is recorded through Passtab.
- All volunteers, CRT and contractors are inducted through Passtab
- All staff receive annual Child Safety training 29/1/2024.
- Code of Conducts are stored and managed through Passtab.
- SAC members receive annual Child Safety training and new members are inducted by following the SAC Advisory Guidelines.
- Responsible persons sign a Fit and Proper Person Dec every 3yrs.
- All recruitment ads have a statement in relation to the requirements and meeting the Child Safe Standards.
- All position descriptions set clear expectations in relation to child safety and wellbeing.
- Recruitment process included Child Safe screening and referee checks.
- All recruitment ads have a statement in relation to the requirements and meeting the Child Safe Standards.
- Position descriptions for Teachers & LSO’s and all school staff set clear expectations in relation to child safety and wellbeing.
- Recruitment process included Child Safe screening and referee checks.
- The school uses the standard recruitment letters of appointment provided by the central office.
- Complaint Handling Policy has been communicated to all staff and the school community. It is available via the school’s website.
- Record keeping and Privacy are included in the annual staff induction sessions.
- Mandatory reporting training / NCCD training covers reporting obligations and record keeping.
- All recruitment policies are followed
- Supervision duties are constantly viewed to ensure child safety and wellbeing through daily planners and communication.
Community Noticeboard

Our Student Representative Council will be co ordinating our partnership with Cooinda Terang to become a collection point for Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic).
We will be collecting all eligible empty drink containers and then returning them to the CDS collection point at Cooinda. The 10c raised from each return will go back to the SRC. They will nominate various charities to support as well as using 50% of the funds to upgrade school resources.
So please start collecting and sending in your empties.
Most aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. You can keep the lids on, we recycle them too. The easiest way to know if your drink container can be returned is to look for the 10c mark on the label, often located near the barcode.
You can help in two ways:
- The first is by far the simplest. Just return your empty eligible containers to the tubs in the corridors at school.
- If you have a large amount of containers to deposit, you may wish to take them to a Container Deposit Depot and return them yourself. Please download the CDS Vic West App (instructions below). When you return your containers, nominate St Colman's School Mortlake as the charity you want to donate the money to.
Please note, that as we are in partnership with Cooinda Terang, our preferred deposit depot is their Reverse Vending Machine located at 49 Dow St Terang.

Mortlake Library News

Toastie Tuesday

Lunch Orders

LUNCH ORDERS are only available twice a week on Monday and Friday.
Menu and price list below
Out of School Care

A reminder that we continue to have access to Out of School Care in 2024, supplied by TheirCare, at Mortlake College. Registration is made via the TheirCare website. https://theircare.com.au/
Search for Mortlake College P-12
AngliCare Energy Assistance
As part of Anglicare Victoria’s FREE Energy Assistance Program, they provide assistance with energy bills to support Victorians to:
- Talk to their energy retailer and get help with debt
- Access extra financial support
- Check they are receiving eligible concessions on their bill
- Find and move to an affordable energy plan
- Understand bills and fix any possible errors
- Support your child's education with free internet at home
They can provide immediate assistance for clients who are struggling to pay for their gas or electricity bills to prevent disconnection to their property!
The follower two flyers provide further details.
Please read the attached information sheet for parents regarding NCCD.