Back to School 2025
Welcome to the 2025 School Year
Welcome back to St Colman's School for another year. A special welcome to our new families, I hope you enjoy your time at our school. This newsletter contains a variety of information that will be of interest to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
Jane Lee - Business Manager
School Fees Information 2025
The attached letter explains the School Fees for 2025 including payment options etc.
Please complete the School Fees payment intentions in PAM
Camps Sports and Excursion Fund
The Victorian Government offers a Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) providing payments to assist eligible families to cover the costs of camps, sporting events and excursions.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses related to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student has increased to $150 for primary school students.
Please see the school office for further information regarding (CSEF).
Family Fee Assistance
The Family Fee Assistance Scheme was introduced by the Ballarat Diocese in 2011. Families who qualify for CSEF will be able to apply for this scheme also. Families will pay $520 per annum for primary school tuition fees. The discounted fee covers tuition and capital fees only. It does not cover additional charges such as camps, book hire, subject levies. Although a family may be eligible to receive a fee discount, families may choose not to apply for the fee discount and pay the full school fee, likewise, families who are not eligible for CSEF may apply for a part discount if they are having difficulty paying their fees. No student will be excluded because of their parents’ inability to pay tuition fees. Please speak to Janet or Jane for more information or to obtain a form if you are unable to print one off.
SZapp, PAM and Simon Everywhere
Our school website designed by Schoolzine. We also use the Schoolzine eNewsletter and SZapp, which are all integrated, to deliver the bulk of our communications to you. These products are very user friendly. If you have not already done so, please download the App. PIN number is 1823 for access.
PAM (Parent Access Module) is accessible via a tile on SZapp. Alternatively, you can download Simon Everywhere which is an app that gives access to PAM. The advantage of this is that you should receive notifications when there are tasks to complete and you do not have to keep logging in every time you wish to access PAM. Instructions are attached below.
All permission notes are sent out via PAM as are school reports. You can notify absences via PAM and this is the preferred method to do this as the information is then immediately available to the class teacher.
There are currently a number of Tasks that you need to complete in PAM for each child. You also need to make sure you update the Medical Details.
Conveyance Allowance

The Conveyance Allowance assists families with the cost of transporting their children to and from school. To be eligible to receive a conveyance allowance you must:
Be aged between five years (by 30 April in the year that the allowance is sought) and 21 years.
Live more than 4.8km by the shortest practicable route from the nearest Catholic school attended, or, live more than 4.8 km from the nearest bus service.
If you believe you are eligible, please contact the school office.
Meals on Wheels Volunteers
St Colman's School volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels once per term. We have a small group of loyal volunteers who help us deliver this service but are always looking for others. Please indicate below if you would be able to help and on what days. You will then be contacted when our turn comes around.
Uniform Shop
The school uniform shop stocks navy polo shirts, navy sports shorts, new summer dresses, navy jackets, navy rugby jumpers, navy vests, hats and school bags.
Other items such as shorts and pants can be purchased at Reicha's.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders are available every day from Clarke's Cafe on Monday and Friday only. Orders can be written on an envelope with money enclosed and are collected at school each morning by the senior students and then collected and returned at lunch time by Clarke's. We have not received an updated menu for 2025 so the prices will remain the same until further notice.
School House List
St Colman's combine with St Thomas' to form three sports teams. Red, Blue and Gold. The two schools combine for our swimming sports (held at the Mortlake pool in February) and athletic sports (held at the Terang Recreation Reserve in March). St Colman's hold our Cross Country alone in May. Children are to wear a polo shirt or T Shirt in the colour of their team on these days.