Term 2 Week 8 Monday 1st June
Our Prayer This Week

From the Principal

Dear parents, guardians and students,
The return to school for the Junior and Middle students has been one filled with joy and excitement. They have bounced in the door each day, eager to see their friends and their teachers and ready to learn in their school rather than remotely at home. Our thoughts are with the Senior students at home who are not able to join us yet. We ask them and their families to see it through this week and we can restart our year on Tuesday 9th of June.


Best wishes to these people who celebrate their birthday this week
Kate Parker 2nd June
Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

It seems like a cruel irony that the first day of the full school resumption should be a public holiday. St Colman's will be closed on Monday 8th of June for the Queen's Birthday long weekend.
Homemade Pizzas
The Senior students at school and at home made pizzas together over the video conference.

Music Online
We are continuing to limit adults entering the school and Melanie has agreed to deliver her music lessons by video conferencing. This is working very well and the children are enjoying the opportunity to continue working on their musical abilities.
Junior Class Assembly
On Friday the Junior classroom held their own assembly to recognise the efforts of some individual students. We can't wait until we can meet together as a whole school in the weeks to come.

Charlotte A

Sadie W and Gus C
Playground Fun
From the eerie quiet of the past nine weeks to the hustle and bustle of a busy playtime, our school is once again alive with the noise and fun of children. We can not wait until our Seniors return and all will be as it should again.
IGA Treats

Thank you to Ian and the team from IGA for the gift of chocolate to celebrate our first week of back-at-school learning. This was a great way to finish the week and a way for a local business to say thank you for the support shown during isolation. The baking competition mentioned in this newsletter is another way of rewarding great community support.
Rosie Away
Rosie will be away all this week on sick leave and she will return with the rest of her class on Tuesday 9th of June. The senior work for the week has been posted on Google classroom and the remaining school staff will support those at school and those at home with these tasks. We wish Rosie a speedy recovery.
SAC Meeting

We will hold a SAC meeting onsite at school on Wednesday 10th of June at 7pm in the staffroom. We look forward to seeing all our council members at school again.
Parish Meeting

In light of some major decisions for education in our district, all Mortlake parishioners are invited to the next St Colman's Parish meeting on Thursday 4th of June at 4pm in the church. We look forward to seeing you there.
Bates IGA Cooking Competition