Term 1 Week 7 Tuesday 8th March
Our Prayer This Week

From the Principal

Dear parents and members of our community,
With the Labour Day public holiday, we have a short week so our foundation students will be at school every day this week. We look forward to having them here for our specialist day on Wednesday so that they can enjoy Art, Music, PE and Library lessons.
Birthday Wishes

Will Cameron 8th March
Xavier Camplin 8th March
Project Compassion Coin Line

Every year, countless people turn Lent into a demonstration of faith, love and generosity through supporting the work Caritas do in impoverished communities around the world. Each year we support their work by having our "Coin Line" challenge where the class that brings the most coins to make the longest coin line, wins a hot chip lunch. Project Compassion coin boxes were sent home tlast week and families can decide how they will raise the money to be put into these boxes.
Athletics Sports
Our combined athletics sports on Friday were a great success with the children loving the opportunity to run, jump throw and play with the children from St Thomas' Terang. Thank you to the parents for your enthusiastic help on the day and thank you to the staff for their support. Well done to the age group champians from St Colman's and to gold for their overall win on the day.

School Photos

Our 2021 school photos will be held on Wednesday 17th of March beginning at 10:30am. As it is a Wednesday we will have all Foundation students at school on this day and we will move their rest day to Thursday the 18th. We ask that all students are in their normal summer uniform for the day and NOT their sports clothes. We will still run our normal Wednesday program around the photos. Each child will need an individual envelope on the day and family photo envelopes are available from the school office.
Footy Tipping

St Colman's footy tipping has been a fun fundraising activity for many years. Participants have, not only have the opportunity to win great prizes, but also the chance to compete against friends, family and community members for the title of best footy tipper. I encourage parents and children to get involved in this school activity. The flyer below has instructions on how to get involved or to roll on your details from last year.
Book Club Change

Scholastic have provided school parents with an online option for purchasing books via their website or app. We would appreciate families transitioning to this method of purchasing to reduce the paper based ordering system and cash coming into the office. Simply visit the Scholastic LOOP site
https://mybookclubs.scholastic.com.au/Parent/Login.aspx to register or download the app and register here. You will need your own username and password and to register your child and select St Colman's school. If you have any difficulty with this process, please contact the school. We will still send home the paper catalogues at this stage.
SAC Meeting

Our first School Advisory Council meeting for the year will be this Wednesday the 10th of March at 7pm in the staffroom. Could members please monitor their email for documentation sent out today.
Mercy Open Day
Net Set Go