Term 1 Week 10 Monday 29th March
Our Prayer This Week

From the Principal

Dear parents and members of our community,
This is the final week of a term where we have thrived in the return to normal school operation but also battled some challenges that this has brought with student and family wellbeing. I hope every family has the opportunity to rest and play together over the school holidays so that we are fresh and ready for Term 2 when we return. Happy Easter everyone.
Athletics Team

Good luck to our athletes who will be compeating at the CDSSA Athletics Sports this Wednesday the 31st of March in Camperdown. We wish them well for the day and look forward to hearing of the fun and success. The program for the day is available on facebook and the permission form is now open on PAM.
School Liturgy

The school community enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate a liturgy together today as a culmination of their RE unit on Lent and Easter and to celebrate the upcoming season of Easter before the end of term. Thank you to Father Michael for leading us in this opportunity to pray together.
End of Term Arrangements

With this Friday a public holiday for Good Friday, our school term will end this Thursday at 2:15pm. Our Foundation students will be here this Wednesday as it is a short week.
Term 2 will commence on Monday the 19th of April. There are no more scheduled rest days for the juniors now but, during the transition to full time school, parents are advised to monitor their child's wellbeing and take a rest day if they believe it is necessary.
Casual Clothes Day

We will be holding a casual clothes day this Thursday for the end of term. The students will need to bring a gold coin donation that will be added to the Project Compassion boxes that will be sent to Caritas to support the wonderful work they do for disadvantaged people all around the world.
Major Raffle and Trivia Night
The School Advisory Council has decided to run an online raffle as our major fundraiser for 2021. The raffle will be launched at the end of April and will be drawn at our Trivia Night on Friday 18th June. This year we will not be conducting a silent auction but will be asking local businesses to donate vouchers for prizes for the Trivia Night.
The raffle tickets will be $25 each and the total prize pool will be valued at $4,500. First Prize is a $3ooo voucher, compliments of Scott's Betta Home Living, Second Prize is a $1000 Debit Card to be spent at local businesses, compliments of Acciona and Third Prize is a $500 voucher, compliments of Bates IGA Supermarket. All school families will be asked to sell as many tickets as possible to family and friends. We will be relying on your support to make this fundraiser a success.
Holiday Birthday Wishes

Arlo Herry 9th April
Natalie Krepp 14th April
Ashlee Killen 16th April
Cooper Francis 17th April
Alex Lehmann 18th April
Weekly Awards
Congratulations to our award winners this week

Kaison, Alex, William, Pippa, Milana, Noah A, Will C, Dom, Lacey, Charlotte O
Millie, Charlotte A, Zoe F, Kate, Gus
Injury Report

Thanks to the school community for their care and concern with my injury. The surgery went very well and I am recovering quickly. I hope to be back at school for parts of this week before the term ends and I will be back full time at the beginning of Term 2. Thank you to the staff for the extra work they have taken on during my absence.
Terang Mortlake Football Netball Club

Auskick is back in Term 2! Available for ages 5-12, running Thursday nights approx. 4pm. More information to come later in the week, but please see below for the registrations links
Terang Auskick will be held at Ridley Recreation Reserve Terang. TERANG Auskick Centre https://apac01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/...
Mortlake Auskick will run from DC Farren Oval in Mortlake. MORTLAKE Auskick Centre - https://apac01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/...
It will be great to see the kids back out on the ova and the courts, so be sure to register soon to secure a spot!
We are also looking for a parent to run the Mortlake Auskick program so if you are able to lend a hand or would like more information, please contact Melissa Irving on 0439 370 276. Its a great opportunity to get involved and help get kids back in sport.
Net Set Go will also go ahead in Term 2 at Ridley Recreation Reserve Terang Netball Courts. Please register at the link below.
Available for ages 5-10, Running Thursday nights approx. 4pm