St Colman's School Raffle 2021
St Colman's School Online Raffle 2021

This year, St Colman’s School is conducting an online raffle as our major fundraiser. In the past we have raised money in many different ways including catering, small raffles, goods and services auctions, footy tipping, trivia nights to name a few. Times have changed and most people are very time poor so we need to adapt and we have decided to concentrate on a major raffle which will be conducted online. The draw will take place at our annual Trivia Night which will be held on Friday 18th June 2021.
The raffle prizes are being supplied and supported by local businesses as we believe it is important to support those who support us.
First Prize $3000 voucher supplied by Scott’s Betta Home Living, Mortlake
Second Prize $1000 Neighbourhood Benefit EFTPOS card supplied by ACCIONA to be spent in Mortlake, Noorat or Terang
Third Prize $500 voucher supplied by Bates IGA Supermarket, Mortlake
Tickets are $25 each and we plan to sell a minimum of 400 tickets and a maximum of 600 therefore the odds are excellent for three valuable prizes.
We are seeking your support as currently, or in the past you have been involved with the school as either a parent, grandparent, student, teacher or a supplier of goods. By purchasing one or more tickets, you would be supporting our current students. In September we are building a shed over the basketball court to enable us to conduct formal physical education lessons and lunchtime and recess play opportunities, regardless of the weather. The proceeds of the 2021 raffle will be put towards resurfacing our court in a soft surface product to compliment the new facility.
You are encouraged to follow the link below and enter online but if this is not possible for you, please contact the school on 55992285 or email for instructions. Please forward this email on to anyone who you think may be interested in purchasing a ticket.
We hope that you are able to support us to make this raffle a huge success.
Yours sincerely
Tim Bourke