Term 2 Week 3 Monday 3rd May
Our Prayer This Week

From the Principal

*+e are trying to organise our cross country event but the weather is proving a challenge. Hopefully there is a window of opportunity to complete the event today. To help our chances, we have moved the event back to our school grounds and we will try to begin the races at 11:30am.
Coin Line

Our project compassion activity was completed on Thursday last week with the coin line challenge between the two classes. The Senior class pulled off an unprecedented win by raising $130.90 with a line 20m long. The total raised for Caritas missions was $336.25. The Seniors enjoyed their hot chip lunch on Friday.

School Closure Day

A reminder to parents that there is no school for students this Friday 7th of May as the staff continue to work on the school review. Monday 10th is a normal school day but there will be CRT staff in each of the rooms to enable us to continue this task.
Mother's Day

We would like to wish all our mothers a very happy Mother's Day this Sunday. Due to current school operational guidelines we do not have sufficient space to host our "Mother's Day Breakfast". We are planning an alternative celebration later in the year if restrictions are further eased.
St Colman's School Online Raffle 2021

This year, St Colman’s School is conducting an online raffle as our major fundraiser. In the past we have raised money in many different ways including catering, small raffles, goods and services auctions, footy tipping, trivia nights to name a few. Times have changed and most people are very time poor so we need to adapt and we have decided to concentrate on a major raffle which will be conducted online. The draw will take place at our annual Trivia Night which will be held on Friday 18th June 2021.
The raffle prizes are being supplied and supported by local businesses as we believe it is important to support those who support us.
First Prize $3000 voucher supplied by Scott’s Betta Home Living, Mortlake
Second Prize $1000 debit card supplied by Acciona to be spent in Mortlake or Terang
Third Prize $500 voucher supplied by Bates IGA Supermarket, Mortlake
Tickets are $25 each and we plan to sell a minimum of 400 tickets and a maximum of 600 therefore the odds are excellent for three valuable prizes.
We are seeking your support as currently, or in the past you have been involved with the school as either a parent, student, teacher or a supplier of goods. By purchasing one or more tickets, you would be supporting our current students. In September we are building a shed over the basketball court to enable us to conduct formal physical education lessons and lunchtime and recess play opportunities, regardless of the weather. The proceeds of the 2021 raffle will be put towards resurfacing our court in a soft surface product to compliment the new facility.
You are encouraged to follow the link below and enter online but if this is not possible for you, please contact the school on 55992285 or email jlee@scmortlake.catholic.edu.au for instructions.
We hope that you are able to support us to make this raffle a huge success.
Yours sincerely
Tim Bourke
School Uniform

There seems to be some confusion around the current Winter uniform for the students. The SAC have made considerable changes to the Summer uniform and the Sport uniform but as yet there is no change to the winter uniform. This means the light blue polos are still required. The SAC will continue their work on this issue at their next meeting next week. We also have several students with runners on during the week that are not all black. Can parents see to this please.
New Lunch Order Menu
Clarke's Cafe have provided us with a new menu and price list for 2021. Please check the price changes before ordering this week.
St Colman's Cross Country

We are still attempting to hold our school Cross Country today, Monday 3rd of May at Tea Tree Lake from 11:45 to 1pm. Parents are most welcome and we would appreciate some help with marshalling on the course. The children will need to wear their house colours to indicate if they belong to Banksia (yellow), Eucalyptus (blue) or Waratah (red)
On return to school there will be a sausage sizzle for the children to celebrate their efforts.
SAC Meeting
We will conduct our next SAC meeting on Monday the 10th of May next week at 7pm at school. At this meeting we will be discussing changes to the winter uniform so if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please speak to a board member or school so that you can help inform our decisions.
Egg Cartons

Our chickens are laying well and we have run out of egg cartons. If you have any at home, we would love to build up our stocks again please.
Weekly Awards
Congratulations to our award winners this week

Imogen, Zoe S, Dom, Will C, Isabella G, Spencer, Scarlett, Johno, Archie, Hayley, Ivy, Adia, Kate