St Colman's School Online Raffle 2021 Reminder
Online Raffle Update

Dear Parents
It is two weeks since we launched our Online Raffle and so far we have sold 170 tickets. We thank all the families who have already purchased tickets themselves or sold them to others. However, much more needs to be done in order for the raffle to be a success. We ask that you try to sell at least eight tickets to yourself or to others. Please don't delay buying your own tickets.
The raffle details have been posted on our Facebook page. Please share this post with your contacts. Those who have already done this have been surprised by the number of people who have readily purchased a ticket once they have read the post.
Please contact your families, friends, neighbours, work mates, businesses you deal with and sporting clubs you are involved with to ask if they would be interested in purchasing a ticket or two.
We will have a meeting in the next few weeks to discuss the raffle and the Trivia Night. We will notify you once a time and date has been made.
Tim and Jane