Term 2 Week 11 Monday 22nd June
Our Prayer This Week

From the Principal

Dear parents, guardians and students,
The finish line is in sight for a term like no other. We finish term 2 this Friday the 26th of June at 2:15pm and return to school on Monday 13th of July to commence term 3. We have ensured that the past few weeks have been a good settling back to school time where we were mindful of the emotional and social needs of the children after such a long period away from school. This will hopefully set up a great start to next term with everyone ready for strong learning and a far more settled term. We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday.
St Colman's Cross Country

Our St Colman's cross country event will be run this Friday the 26th of June at 10am at Tea Tree Lake and finish around 12:30pm. The children will need to wear their sport uniform and their house colour on the day. As we missed our opportunity to have a coin line this year, we will finish with our hot chip lunch for everyone at the lake, weather permitting. Parents are still not welcome to be part of the day but watching from the car may be an option you wish to take up.
Classroom Awards
Congratulation to our award winners this week.

Noah A, Ashlee K, Leo G, Carl L, Millie C, Hayley H, Isabella P, Ivy W

Noah M
Welcome Back

We are delighted to have the Herry family return to school today. They have done an amazing job with their extended remote learning and it is wonderful to see their smiling faces back at school. Thank you to their parents and the teachers for working together to make this a success under very difficult conditions.
Virtual Tour
With social restrictions in place we are unable to show prospective families around our school while children are here. To combat this we have created a virtual tour that aims to show the benefits of attending our school. It will be placed on our new website, on facebook and on this newsletter to open 2021 enrolments. Enjoy watching the acting skills of children and the staff.
Farm Update

Thank you to the Van Den Heuvel family for the sheep they have placed in our school farm. The children enjoy watching them and learning about what it takes to raise sheep. As yet they do not have names but I am sure we can come up with some creative options.
Cold and Flu Symptoms

We have a number of students with some cold and flu symptoms being kept away from school at the moment. As we are still in pandemic precautions mode, this is a wise course of action to prevent the sharing of colds and causing fears of coronavirus-like symptoms. We would prefer they missed some school days to recover before returning to school. Siblings of unwell students are not required to remain home at this stage if they have no symptoms.
Winter Uniforms

With the late start to the term and restrictions on movements, many people have discovered that their child's winter uniform needs updating. Hopefully the holidays will allow families to ensure they are up to date for the beginning of Term 3. We have noticed the following incorrect uniform for some students.
Normal Uniform
- White or coloured socks for the boys (grey)
- Brightly coloured hair accessories (blue)
- Socks with tunics (tights)
- Sport jumpers on-non sport days (woollen jumpers or jackets)
Sport Uniform
- Black or coloured shorts (blue)