Term 4 Week 2 Monday 11th October
Our Prayer This Week

From the Principal

Dear parents and members of our community,
The gradual return to school for students see many children onsite this week and all students provided with the opportunity to be here for some part of this week. My thanks and congratulations goes out to our Senior students who have spent an extended time away from school over the past few months. They have continued to learn and stay well during this time. Thank you also to their families who have supported them through this difficult time. We are looking forward to the time when our whole school family can be here together again.
Week 2 Student Return

The State Government plan for the gradual return of students does not fit well with the class structure at St Colman's so we have made application to adjust the year levels to keep our classes together as much as possible.
The premise of the return is to not have the whole school here together for the next two weeks so there are still children who will be doing remote learning during this time.
Week 2 Timetable
Mon - F/1 2/3 (Grade 4/5/6 students remote learning)
Tue - F/1 2/3 (Grade 4/5/6 students remote learning)
Wed - F/1 2/3 (Grade 4/5/6 students remote learning)
Thu - F/1 2 4/5/6 (Grade 3 students remote learning)
Fri - F/1 2 4/5/6 (Grade 3 students remote learning)
Students of the classes not at school who are essential workers or in the at risk category are welcome. Please inform us of these days to help with planning.
Open Week

Without the opportunity to host an open day at school for current and prospective families, we have decided to hold a virtual Open Week this week on facebook. Each day we will focus on an important element of school life and share this online. Please keep an eye out for these presentations and share them with friends in our community.
Mask Wearing

Parents will have seen a government requirement regarding students wearing masks while inside the school building. As yet we have received no formal notification as to when this begins but we are asking parents to send a mask to school with their child tomorrow so that we are ready for when this is enacted. We are also endeavouring to establish some outdoor classroom settings to enable classes to operate outside for some part of each school day to reduce the time wearing masks.
Great Start

Last week we shared the news that Scout and Buddy Moorehead were joining our school community. They have made a wonderful beginning and appear to be enjoying being part of our community. Normally we would have the chance to make the whole family feel welcome but opportunities for this are very limited at the moment so if you see their mum and dad around town, please take the opportunity to introduce yourself and help them settle in to Mortlake.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday to:-
Scarlett Baulch 18th October
Weekly Awards
Congratulations to our winners this week:-

Liam, Imogen, William, Scarlett, Buddy, Alex
Middle Room Disaster Poetry

Written by the students of Middle Room
William drew until his pencil broke,
Imogen cartwheeled like a bicycle spoke.
Liam began to tinker,
While someone let off a stinker!
Zac was trying to be a man,
Cooper was hanging off the fan.
Millie was playing on the monkey bars,
While Mrs Moloney was busy acting like movie stars.
Charlotte was drawing moustaches on everyone’s face,
Xavier was running around at an extremely fast pace.
Alex was devising a plan to win tiggy,
While Will was listening to tunes and doing a Jiggy.
Remy was wishing for a stampede of horses,
Adia was dreaming of having bread for 3 courses.
Dom was wishing all he could do was gaming,
While Noah was reading books about wolf taming.
Lacey was still whining about her stolen donut,
Ivy was combing her luscious locks which came down past her butt.
Mason was putting product in his hair,
While Mikayla couldn’t be found anywhere!
Steff was busy organising his precious rocks,
Ben was trying to avoid the Junior’s stinky socks.
Buddy was debating which was better, Rugby or AFL?
While Brianna was waiting to go home at the bell.
Ahoy Me Hearties

After reading the story of Captain Crab Claw's Crew, the Junior students enjoyed the opportunity to make their own pirate hats and to head off in search of treasure.
Grand Final Tipping

At the end of Term 3 each child and staff member had the opportunity to tip the winner and margin for the AFL grand final. On our return a block of chocolate was presented to our winners.
Junior - Hayley
Middle - Imogen
Senior - Kaison
Staff - Mrs O'Connor