Term 3 Week 1 Monday 13th July
Our Prayer This Week
Our Director of Catholic Education for the Ballarat Diocese ended her time with us at the end of term 2. This video clip expresses clearly the wisdom and generosity of spirit she brought to us over her time in the role. I offer her farewell comments as our prayer for this week.
From the Principal

Dear parents, guardians and students,
Start your engines for Term 3. We are hoping for a very settled term of learning with greater opportunities for community connection and events involving other schools. However, with the increased infections in Victoria at the moment we will continue to limit adult access to the school, conduct regular handwashing, social distance and temperature check until further notice. If you have visited metropolitan Melbourne over the school holidays and are concerned about possible infection, you may wish to consider testing or self-isolation from school.
2021 Enrolments Open

Our 2021 enrolments are now open and we invite families to contact the school to discuss the transition for our prospective Foundation students for next year, for an enrolment form or this can be downloaded via the link below. With limited adult access to the school at the moment, we have created a virtual tour video on our web site and placed a newspaper article in our local papers. We are working with the Mortlake Kindergarten to come up with a safe and meaningful transition process during these difficult times.
Book Returns

After a very different term 2 we have a large number of library books and home reading missing from school. Could parents please have a hunt for these at home and send them back to school as soon as possible. If you are unsure of what library books your child has, please contact Jenny at school.
St Colman's Cross Country
Our St Colman's cross country event was run on Friday the 26th of June at Tea Tree Lake. The children has a fun day of exercise and competing for their school house colour. Congratulations to red on their win on the day. Thank you to the parents who turned up and supported the children by watching from a safe distance. The district cross country planned for Thursday 23rd of July has been postponed at this stage.

Classroom Awards
Congratulation to our award winners this week.

Maddi C, Ryan M, Xavier C, Steff V, Imogen B, Cooper H, Pippa B, Charlotte A, Mason B, Alex L,
Arlo H, Isabella D, Lacey K, Miss Stape, Charlotte O, Lucy C, Spencer O, Ivy W, Layla W, Johno C (Abs)
HCSN Promotional Video
During these times of restricted access to our schools, the Hampden Catholic Schools Network school principals have created a video promoting the network and identifying the benefits of working together as a group to develop our schools and the service we provide to our communities.