Term 4 Week 9 Monday 29th November
Our Prayer This Week

From the Principal

Dear parents and members of our community,
We are on the run home for the school year now with just 3 weeks of school left for the term. Since our return to school we have been very busy squeezing in as many opportunities for the students as we can. We have had two camps and sport days in the last two weeks. This morning we were met with many blurry eyes and we ask parents to be mindful of the rest needed in this busy final part of the year.
Transition to 2022

We have three foundation students enrolled to commence school in 2022. These students and the staff of the Mortlake Kindergarten will visit us tomorrow, Tuesday 30th of November to begin our transition program. On this day our senior students going to Mercy will have their Headstart day where they experience secondary school life without the large number of students from our larger feeder schools. They will travel by Mercy bus to be at the Noorat campus from 11:10 to 12:55pm. We hope they enjoy this experience. The entire school will have its formal transition day on Tuesday 7th of December where all students will move to their new classes for next year.
SAC Annual General Meeting

We will conduct our AGM for our School Advisory Council on Monday the 6th of December at 6:30pm at the Mt Shadwell Hotel. We have several long-standing members of the board who have given enormously to this group and are due to step down from the role. We need some new faces on the board so please consider volunteering. If you are able to help, please contact the school office.
End of Year Arrangements

The final school day for the students this year will be Thursday the 16th of December finishing at the normal time of 3:15pm. The staff final day will be Friday the 17th of December. School will resume in 2022 for staff on Friday 28th of January and students will commence on Monday 31st of January.
5/6 Camp

Last Thursday and Friday we held our Grade 5/6 school camp with St Thomas' Terang. This was supposed to be our Melbourne camp as part of our cycle of camps but we had to commit to a local camp early to ensure bookings and avoid restrictions. We visited Live Wire Park in Lorne for a high ropes adventure and went 10 pin bowling and played mini golf in Warrnambool and went surfing in Port Fairy. The children had a wonderful experience and enormous fun at all the events. Thank you to Mrs O'Connor for her fantastic organisation and efficiency with the planning and preparation needed for this learning opportunity.

Mask Wearing

With no end in sight for the mandate to wear masks at school, we are reminding parents to send along a mask with your child each day to reduce the use of non-reusable masks that leads to litter and wastage.
Junior Excursion

Our final element of our camps and excursions at St Colman's is our F/1/2 excursion which is planned for Friday 10th of December. We intend to visit the Otway Fly and various other attractions in the region.

We are delighted to welcome Leonie and her family to St Colman's school community. Leonie joined us last week and she is in Grade 3. We hope she experiences the "Welcome" that we believe is an integral part of our school.
Sad Farewell

After, what has turned out to be a very short stay, Buddy and Scout Moorehead and their family are leaving Mortlake to settle interstate. We wish them every success on their adventure and thank them for the fun and friendship they have shown while with us these last few weeks.
End of Year Celebration

We will celebrate the end of our school year with an evening gathering on Monday the 13th of December at St Colman's church. On this night we will pray together, hold an art show, sing carols, celebrate the graduation of our Grade 6 children, recognise our 2022 student leaders and farewell families and staff who are leaving us. We hope to see all our families at this event.
Christmas Carols
Our Diocesan Community
The latest edition of this publication is attached.