End of Term Note Friday 24th June
Acknowledgement of Country

St Colman’s acknowledges the Girai wurung people as the traditional owners of the land on which our school stands and we respectfully recognise elders both past and present.
From the Principal
Dear Families,
A big thank you to everyone for a great term here at St Colman's. We've had many challenges, including road works and sickness, but there is plenty to celebrate.
It was fantastic to head to Warrnambool yesterday to see Annie and celebrate the end of term.
There are a number of important updates in this extra newsletter that I thought were important to share prior to the end of term. In particular, the Circuit Breaker Long Weekend.
Please note, that our next newsletter will be on the first Tuesday back, not the Monday.
Enjoy the break and thanks for all that you do to make our school a great place.
Kind regards,
Circuit Breaker Long Weekend Term 3
Please find attached correspondence from Tom Sexton, the Executive Director of Catholic Education Ballarat. It has been decided to schedule a long weekend in Term 3 to help support student and staff health wellbeing during the winter months when Covid and Flu cases are expected to peak.
All of the HCSN schools will be taking these days.
This means that our school will close on Friday 12 August and Monday 15 August.
Covid Update
As you would be aware from the media, there has been two significant changes to Covid regulations this week.
1) Vaccination
From June 25th, vaccination status no longer needs to be declared by any employees, visitors, volunteers or contractors.
2) Parents who have tested positive to COVID 19 are permitted to drive children to and from school during their 7 day isolation period. They are required to return home immediately afterwards and not attend other locations.
Please read the following letter which outlines these changes.
New Child Safety Standards
Child safety and wellbeing at St Colman's: information for families and the school community
The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing.
St Colman's is reviewing and updating our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These updated policies will be available to view early Term Three.
We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices.
New Lunch Order Menu
Please find attached an updated Lunch Order Menu.
These new prices begin at the start of next term.
Annual Report to the School Community
Each year the principal is required to complete an report to the school community. Please find the 2021 report, completed by Tim Bourke, linked here for those people that are interested.
It is a great reminder of the many things that happened last year that are worth celebrating.